204 Quotes by Debasish Mridha about tagore
"Kindness can be short, sweet, transient, and random, but its effects echo forever."
"Let prosperity flow into you like the waves of love and kindness that fill your heart and mind."
"Let us be kind and let us make kindness as the anthem of our life."
"Humanity reveals her inner beauty through the interplay of gratitude, love, and kindness."
"I am neither moral or immoral. I am amoral, and I express it through my kindness."
"Kindness should be a priority for every human being."
"Kindness! What a wonderful way to touch someone's heart."
"Kindness is the ultimate essence of life; compassion is the ultimate evidence of love."
"I have no other religion than kindness."
"The richest man is he who lives simply but has an abundance of love and kindness to give away."