14 Quotes by Deepak Chopra about healing
- Author Deepak Chopra
In fact, scientists have shown that the better your DNA, your genetic machinery is at healing itself, the longer you live. That's how meditation lowers biological age.
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- Author Deepak Chopra
Network Spinal Analysis inspires us to trust the healing power within.
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- Author Deepak Chopra
To promote the healing response, you must get past all the grosser levels of the body - cells, tissues, organs and systems -- and arrive at a junction point between mind and matter, the point where consciousness actually starts to have an effect.
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- Author Deepak Chopra
Gay and Kathlyn Hendricks show us how to discover the secrets to healing, love, intuition and insight.
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- Author Deepak Chopra
Only intimacy with the self will bring about true healing.
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