48 Quotes by Derek Rydall about Selfhelp
- Author Derek Rydall
There’s a reason why one master teacher said, “Love your enemies.” He wasn’t preaching some touchy-feely mumbo jumbo. He was talking about a cosmic law. He knew there was only One of us here. That means that anything you withhold from another you’re withholding from yourself. But it also means that anything you give to another, you’re giving to yourself.
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- Author Derek Rydall
Cultivating an intimate relationship with your inner life is the greatest gift you can give yourself and everyone else on the planet. Within you all the power and substance of life resides. In the stillness at the center of your being is the fountain of pure genius, the source of every masterpiece, the answer to every question, the solution to every problem, and the fulfillment of every dream. But you must daily practice the art of making inner contact in order to actualize this truth.
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- Author Derek Rydall
We are what we eat — not only physically, but mentally and emotionally as well.
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- Author Derek Rydall
We didn’t come to earth to get anything. We came to awaken our full potential and infuse this dimension with divine light.
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- Author Derek Rydall
What you want is already here, in the unified field of pure potential. Everything you need to fulfill your greatest desire is already part of your being. But it can’t come out until you align with it, let go of the obstructions to it, and raise your vibration to the level at which it already exists.
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- Author Derek Rydall
43. Don’t let past failures determine what your future success will be. Walt Disney went bankrupt — twice — before finally gaining lasting momentum. The Beatles were rejected from numerous record labels, as was Tom Petty. Thomas Edison failed at creating the light bulb ten thousand times before getting it right! If he used failure as an indicator of his true path, you might be reading this by candlelight.
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- Author Derek Rydall
The most effective intention is a desire for a conscious contact with your soul, a deeper connection to your Self. This is the most powerful purpose to intend every time you meditate, pray, or do any spiritual practice.
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- Author Derek Rydall
You’re no different. You came into this world as an answer to a prayer, a solution to a need. If there was no need for you, you never would’ve shown up. The fact that you were born is the guarantee that you have a reason for being here. There’s something you came to give — a gift, a talent, a message, a meaning. The world needs you to be you.
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- Author Derek Rydall
This is a uni-verse (”one song’). There’s one song playing everywhere and we are all notes in it. There are no “special” or “better” notes.Every note is necessary and contains the whole essence of the music. All the power and substance of the universe is seeking to sing its song through you as magnificently as it has ever been sung before.
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