11 Quotes by Deyth Banger about Hell
- Author Deyth Banger
Hell is so bloody thing, but with Lucifer from Lucifer series, hell is like comedy.
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- Author Deyth Banger
I am not going in hell.. (First, because I don't believe in heaven and hell... they are just conceps for me...)... secondly I am going to the right way.. by not believing this fucking idiot... with title "GOD". (I am not a slave... in somebody else hands...)
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- Author Deyth Banger
Who the hell are u?
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- Author Deyth Banger
My Life is bad because of my mother and father... choices..., they made the wrong choices.
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- Author Deyth Banger
The story will reach an end and yeah fucking hell yeah I fucking did it.
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- Author Deyth Banger
That in my left pocket I have "heaven"... doesn't mean that in my right pocket I don't have "hell".
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- Author Deyth Banger
Why bad people live in heaven??If there is heaven so do and hell exist??but why bad are heaven and good also??So you have done here something bad and you greeting saying "Bravo..., Bravo... well made!" - WTF???
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- Author Deyth Banger
I never will suggest you to drink energy drinks, they taste like hell!
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- Author Deyth Banger
Hell is repetition, you go over and over and over. That's hell, so I will eat your eyes in hell, I will be waiting you in hell, I will repeat that over and over and over...
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