6 Quotes by Deyth Banger about rape

  • Author Deyth Banger
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    From good to the better for the best!Sounds like taken from Advertisement, as for my works. If you are open person in being honest... rape/murder/killing... it's something which is around us.

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  • Author Deyth Banger
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    The image is horrible, I somehow couldn't get out, probably weakness of my character if you ask me... or who knows??But after all the story could go like father rapes his son or daughter which are babys which will mean age somewhere 1,2... but after all there isn't a lot of to be saw this can be heard on the news and it will be difficult to build great drama... but so far I could try this to do!

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  • Author Deyth Banger
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    Most people will say that this story which I told "It's not a happy"... doesn't exist, but sorry it exist. I made in normal age, like 10 or 14 years old to can be saw the drama, if it was baybe, the baybe will cry, won't it?The age which I put the girl was the perfect, teenager in the same time, mother which is lost which will mean she has died... her father with a strange past still a mystery.

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