6 Quotes by Deyth Banger about state
- Author Deyth Banger
12 Hours on the computer... sounds like I am vip... few people stay on computer so long or not big %.
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- Author Deyth Banger
Split up means being in state of being an a victim which can be killed easy.
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- Author Deyth Banger
You can't play "How will you do it... if you are on my place..." - Now you feel comfortable from that side... you feel that it's right from your side... so you put that as a peace in the recipe and some extra ingredients you add and look you just created the best lie as being in my state.
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- Author Deyth Banger
You never can't put bad down, there is always something tricky... nothing is so easy if it's easy. It's in the state of possibility of the ability to be in a trap which they want to put you... so they succeed. - Better Next time think!
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- Author Deyth Banger
Being nice is state of "Probability", not a state of "possibility".
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