17 Quotes by Deyth Banger about thoughts

"So… die!?When is going to die this guy or that woman in series!????Kind of fucked up… knowing the answer and continue watching.( Dexter, Person of Interest, Breaking Bad - On thoughts)"


"Probably in your mind your shit is wise, but so far what I hear for me doesn't sound as a wise."


"The porn isn't something interesting, you don't have pleasure even to get pleasure it really sucks to have realationship so far most of them end very earlier. To watch porn is useless, what you do it is making pervert thoughts about stuff which are brutal and aren't the way should it be made!"


"I hate the moment in which come thoughts, it's the moment when I watch horror, when I enjoy something. A though comes, another and another... and I just don't know what to choose."


"What makes us?? (Think Little)Is it our look??? Is it our emotions??? Is it our thoughts???What makes us think that when we wake up, we are the same???What makes us to think that when we teleport we will be the same?"


"I mostly liked the thought which was said in the film Person of Interest "If you think that chess is the life, you must lose", incrediable thought. With this though you can reach a position when you can say all people are different or probably further. But the question is how much further can you reach?"


"To live with fake positive thoughts is suicide, but living with negative all your life is just preparing the trigger for to get shoot!"
