15 Quotes by Donald L. Hicks about life
- Author Donald L. Hicks
What happens to you during Life may seem out of your control; how you perceive each experience, however... good or bad... is totally up to you.
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- Author Donald L. Hicks
Life is not something that happens to us, Life happens through us.
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- Author Donald L. Hicks
You are making a difference in Life. Whether or not you realize it, every action, every re-action, or every non-action impacts Life. The question to ask yourself is not whether you are making a difference, but whether that difference is positive or negative.
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- Author Donald L. Hicks
We seldom question the purpose of life when our world is sunny and bright. This question tends to hide itself during pleasant sailing, only rearing its face during the deepest and darkest travails, when the gales of storm weather have fallen.
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- Author Donald L. Hicks
If you believe Life is sacred, you must also believe unnecessary killing is sacrilege.
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- Author Donald L. Hicks
Make your life a magical journey of Life, encountering Life.
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- Author Donald L. Hicks
Life is like an 6-slice apple pie at a 12-guest dinner banquet. If you just sit back and wait for it to come to you, chances are, you're going to miss dessert.
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- Author Donald L. Hicks
When you continually tell Life: "there are things that I lack and things that I want", Life will return that exact experience. But when you continually tell Life: "I have all that I need and am free to serve others", Life will return that exact experience: you will have all you need and will be free to serve others.
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- Author Donald L. Hicks
Life is more than just a bump in the road. All life is sacred.
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