19 Quotes by Donna Goddard about Divine
- Author Donna Goddard
All of creation wants to create through you. You are not your body and you are not in your body. Your body is in Life. Use it until you need it no more and then you will be happy to release it.
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- Author Donna Goddard
The desire for connection with the Divine and our formless inner self is at the foundation of all desire for human connection.
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- Author Donna Goddard
What have you got to lose? What are you hanging onto? Trust. You have not come this far to turn back now. You are almost there. Have faith.
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- Author Donna Goddard
To an ego, being ignored is equivalent to annihilation. To not exist is any ego’s greatest fear. It is a warranted fear because the ego does, in fact, get annihilated in proportion to the growth of one’s spiritual realisation. However, the rewards of spiritual development so outshine the feeble offerings of the ego that it is an insignificant price to pay. Does one begrudge paying a small price for something invaluable?
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- Author Donna Goddard
We have already said more goodbyes than are necessary. Those were goodbyes that brought about the end of partings. We taught each other that no parting is possible.
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- Author Donna Goddard
No one has to be a martyr. On the contrary, everyone should be entirely selfish; not selfish in the normal sense of the word but selfish in the way of knowing that the spiritual path means we value everything which adds to our own well-being. When we love, we live with connectedness. When we forgive, we feel stress-free. When we create, we live with inspiration. When we follow our inner direction, we feel alive. Is that even a choice?
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- Author Donna Goddard
Mind, Spirit, Soul, Principle, Life, Truth, and Love are the essence of Divinity and are frequently used synonyms for God in metaphysics. Being conscious of any of these qualities means being conscious of gratitude, happiness, completeness, and freedom. These spiritual elements are not only the structure of God but, wonderfully, they are also the structure of us. We are constituted of Divinity itself – nothing else, nothing less.
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- Author Donna Goddard
We are loved by the Divine, loved into existence. That, in itself, is enough to reassure each one of us of our inestimable worth.
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- Author Donna Goddard
There is a grand and magnificent truth which radiates from within all life and from within each of us. We are spiritual co-inhabitants of a spiritual world. Discover the sweet lightness in your heart, the luminescent glow of God’s beauty, and a true appreciation of the wonderful gift of life which glows unmarred through every human error. We are loved by the Divine, loved into existence. That, in itself, is enough to reassure each one of us of our inestimable worth.
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