5 Quotes by Eckhart Tolle about believe
- Author Eckhart Tolle
If we don't change, if the egoic consciousness continues, I don't believe that humanity as a species can survive, or at least human civilization can survive, for another hundred years.
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- Author Eckhart Tolle
If people believe the world is here to satisfy them, whenever they begin to encounter their limitations, they become unhappy.
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- Author Eckhart Tolle
Whenever there is negativity in you, if you can be aware in that moment that there is something in you that takes pleasure in it or believes it has a useful purpose, you are becoming aware of the ego directly. The moment this happens your identity has shifted from ego to awareness. This means the ego is shrinking and awareness is growing.
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- Author Eckhart Tolle
Presence is when you're no longer waiting for the next moment, believing that the next moment will be more fulfilling than this one.
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- Author Eckhart Tolle
Life always is now, but the form the now takes changes continuously. Most people equate the form the now takes with the now itself, and so they believe there are many different moments.
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