6 Quotes by Eckhart Tolle about moving
- Author Eckhart Tolle
Music creates a bridge for people to move out of thinking and into presence.
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- Author Eckhart Tolle
When your attention moves into the Now, there is an alertness. It is as if you were waking up from a dream, the dream of thought, the dream of past and future. Such clarity, such simplicity. No room for problem-making. Just this moment as it is.
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- Author Eckhart Tolle
The whole movement of happiness, unhappiness, happiness, unhappiness, could be called unhappiness. You're suffering because your state of mind is in flux, moving back and forth. The ego's happiness is really a form of suffering, because it cannot live without unhappiness.
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- Author Eckhart Tolle
There is a fine balance between honoring the past and losing yourself in it. For example, you can acknowledge and learn from mistakes you made, and then move on and refocus on the now. It is called forgiving yourself.
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- Author Eckhart Tolle
Every addiction arises from an unconscious refusal to face and move through your own pain. Every addiction starts with pain and ends with pain. Whatever the substance you are addicted to - alcohol, food, legal or illegal drugs, or a person - you are using something or somebody to cover up your pain.
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- Author Eckhart Tolle
I teach that we must go beyond pure ego-consciousness and move to a new manifestation of energy karma force.
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