15 Quotes by Ed Krassenstein about Politics
- Author Ed Krassenstein
Please keep calling me a snowflake. I like being different than the next person. Every snowflake is unique. They all come from the same place, but are able to establish their own identities, free and clear of any other snowflake. Snowflakes make this world beautiful.
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- Author Ed Krassenstein
The White House says that the FBI has an "extreme bias" against Donald Trump..... or as the FBI calls it: "Evidence!
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- Author Ed Krassenstein
It used to be a Big Deal When The President Lied to the American Public. Now it's just expected.
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- Author Ed Krassenstein
Donald Trump, who had 5 kids (that we know of) with 3 wives (one of which was an immigrant), accuses immigrants of "breeding".
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- Author Ed Krassenstein
If you're a Republican, just imagine what you would have done if Obama slept with a porn star months after Michelle gave birth to Malia, paid hush money to the porn star, and lied to America about doing so.
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- Author Ed Krassenstein
The only type of innocent people who yell "WITCH HUNT" are the kind who are really guilty!
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