15 Quotes by Edward Abbey about writing
- Author Edward Abbey
[R]eality and real people are too subtle and complicated for anybody's typewriter, even Tolstoy's, even yours, even mine.
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- Author Edward Abbey
What is the essence of the art of writing? Part One: Have something to say. Part Two: Say it well.
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- Author Edward Abbey
As for writing, that's a cruel hard business. Unless you're very lucky it'll break your heart.
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- Author Edward Abbey
Ah yes, the head is full of books. The hard part is to force them down through the bloodstream and out through the fingers.
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- Author Edward Abbey
Certainly, I want to capture the reader's attention from the beginning and hold it until the end: that is half the purpose of my art. The other half must be to tell my story in the most honest way that I can.
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- Author Edward Abbey
A writer must be hard to live with: when not working he is miserable, and when he is working he is obsessed. Or so it is with me. Thus my writing life consists of spells of languor alternating with fits and spasms of mad typing. At all times, though, I keep a journal, a record book, and most everything begins in the form of notes scribbled down on the pages of that journal.
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- Author Edward Abbey
But hell, I do like to write letters. Much easier than writing books.
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- Author Edward Abbey
I always write with my .357 magnum handy. Why? Well, you never know when God may try to interfere.
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- Author Edward Abbey
Poor Dimitri Shostakovich: In the Soviet Union, he was condemned as being too radical; in the West, for being too conservative. He could please no one but the musical public. He revenged himself on both by writing a short piece called 'March of the Soviet Police.'
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