33 Quotes by Edward Weiss about prayer

"God is the cause that is 'cause of itself' (essence) and the Universe is the effect existing within the cause (existence). Essence involves existence."


"Those who know God, know eternity. Those who know eternity know salvation because they know death does not exist. Here is the ultimate freedom to be found. To find it, all you have to do is let go."


"In the midst of the whirlwind, those who stand with God, weather the storm."


"The sad news is, those born into poverty usually remain in poverty. The good news is, these people are among the first to turn to God. The pain of life has made them seek for something better. When they find it, they are no longer poor."


"Is your home life more sorrow than joy? This isn’t the way it’s supposed to be. It should be more joy than sorrow. If it is, you know. If it isn’t, you also know. Remember this… God is always with you. This is the bedrock that allows the hopeless to remedy their situation."


"Virtue is God over the world. Vice is the world over God"


"Find your freedom in God, and have your heaven on Earth"


"Prayer is your treasure here on Earth! With it, you are never alone. Without it, it’s easy to get lost. This is why the wise make time for prayer. And that is time always well spent."


"Prayer serves as a reminder, that you are not God"


"Dare to love God more than the world"
