4 Quotes by Edwin Hubbel Chapin about thinking

  • Author Edwin Hubbel Chapin
  • Quote

    Think for a moment of the great agents and engines of our civilization, and then think what shadowy ideas they all once were. The wheels of the steamship turned as swiftly as they do now, but as silent and unsubstantial as the motions of the inventor's thought; and in the noiseless loom of his meditation were woven the sinews of the printing-press, whose thunder shakes the world.

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  • Author Edwin Hubbel Chapin
  • Quote

    I know a good many people, I think, who are bigots, and who know they are bigots, and are sorry for it, but they dare not be anything else.

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  • Author Edwin Hubbel Chapin
  • Quote

    There is less misery in being cheated than in that kind of wisdom which perceives, or thinks it perceives, that all mankind are cheats.

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