13 Quotes by Emma Cline about girls

  • Author Emma Cline
  • Quote

    That was our mistake, I think. One of many mistakes. To believe that boys were acting with a logic that we could someday understand. To believe that their actions had any meaning beyond thoughtless impulse. We were like conspiracy theorists, seeing portent and intention in every detail, wishing desperately that we mattered enough to be the object of planning and speculation. But they were just boys. Silly and young and straightforward; they weren't hiding anything.

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  • Author Emma Cline
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    Someone's boyfriend died in a rock-climbing accident in Switzerland: everyone gathered around her, on fire with tragedy. Their dramatic shows up support underpinned with jealousy- bad luck was rare enough to be glamorous.

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  • Author Emma Cline
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    Poor Sasha. Poor girls. The world fattens them on the promise of love. How badly they need it, and how little most of them will ever get. The treacled pop songs, the dresses described in the catalogs with words like 'sunset' and 'Paris.' Then the dreams are taken away with such violent force; the hand wrenching the buttons of the jeans, nobody looking at the man shouting at his girlfriend on the bus

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  • Author Emma Cline
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    Per una ragazza era inevitabile: ci si rassegnava a qualunque risposta. Se ti incazzavi eri una pazza, se non reagivi eri una mignotta. L'unica cosa che potevi fare era sorridere dall'angolino in cui ti avevano incastrata. Stare allo scherzo anche se dello scherzo eri sempre la vittima.

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  • Author Emma Cline
  • Quote

    Poor Sasha. Poor girls. The world fattens them on the promise of love. How badly they need it, and how little most of them will ever get. The treacled pop songs, the dresses described in the catalogs with words like "sunset" and "Paris." Then the dreams are taken away with such violent force; the hand wrenching the buttons of the jeans, nobody looking at the man shouting at his girlfriend on the bus. Sorrow for Sasha locked up my throat.

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