26 Quotes by Erin Hunter about Firestar
"[Fireheart]mewed,"It's not my place to judge you." Greystripe looked up as Fireheart went on." Greystripe, whatever you decide to do, I will always be your friend."
"Bluestar blinked. "There are cats who would argue that there should never have been a fifth Clan in the forest at all. Why are there four oaks at Fourtrees, if not to stand for the four Clans?"Firestar gazed up at the massive oak trees, then back at Bluestar. Fury pure as a lighting flash rushed through his body. "Are you mouse-brained?" he snarled. "Are you telling me SkyClan had to leave because there weren't enough trees?"
"We shall miss Leopardstar. I remember her from all the way back when I was an apprentice in ThunderClan. I always respected her, and, though her loyalty to RiverClan never wavered, she was a leader who understood the importance of keeping every Clan strong. She had the heart, courage, and strength of the mighty cat she was named for."
"He gave his life to save the thing that mattered most to him: his Clanmates,” he meowed softly. “He truly has the stars at his paws now. You will see him again, when it is time."
"Graystripe, find Cinderpelt.""Too late," Whitestorm breathed. "I go to hunt with StarClan.""You can't - the clan needs you! I need you!""You will find others..." The white warrior's gaze, growing rapidly dimmer, flickered to Graystripe and back again. "Trust your heart Firestar. You have always known that Graystripe is the cat StarClan destined to be your deputy."Letting out a long sigh he closed his eyes."