10 Quotes by Ethan Hawke about jobs

  • Author Ethan Hawke
  • Quote

    I like [that] there's a certain inherent drama to those jobs that is exciting to tell stories about and it's still real life. I'm a little less interested in the current fad of being obsessed with superheroes and things that are so out of the box.

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  • Author Ethan Hawke
  • Quote

    It's a really unique job that is a little schizophrenic and you have to kind of do it with a sense of humor.The trick is figuring out what each job is asking of you and what it's not asking of you.

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  • Author Ethan Hawke
  • Quote

    It's interesting to get older and realize that part of your job growing up in this profession is to help the next generation. More and more, with Boyhood and with Ellar Coltrane and with Emma [Watson], I start to see that role. There's no better way. Nobody wants advice, so you can't really give it. You just have to try to wish them well on their journey.

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  • Author Ethan Hawke
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    My job - and it's really true - is that it's constantly evolving and changing. When I was doing the Chet Baker movie I was obsessed with playing the trumpet, and to my absolute shock I haven't picked the trumpet up since we wrapped. It was so much work. I thought I was going to keep playing the rest of my life, 'cause it was fun, it's just a lot of work. And it's a really unique job that exposes you to a lot.

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  • Author Ethan Hawke
  • Quote

    One of the hardest things about my job is that there kind of is no one rulebook that applies to all situations.

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  • Author Ethan Hawke
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    The thing that really breeds career longevity in this profession is doing good work. You can make $20 million a movie, but does that mean you'll still have a job when you're 60? It's a profession that eats people up and wants constant turnaround, so you have to dedicate yourself to learning and making the most of whatever gift you may have.

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  • Author Ethan Hawke
  • Quote

    'Brooklyn's Finest,' this is the kind of movie that's why I want to be an actor, to tell real-life stories. This is where I feel my job is, to interpret life.

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  • Author Ethan Hawke
  • Quote

    I think it's my job to risk looking foolish. One of the things I've learned from the actors I've worked with is you don't get something for nothing. If you don't risk looking foolish, you'll never do anything special.

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  • Author Ethan Hawke
  • Quote

    And the joy of my job - and it's really true - is that it's constantly evolving and changing.

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