19 Quotes by Fernando Pessoa about thinking
- Author Fernando Pessoa
Life is an experimental journey undertaken involuntarily. It is a journey of the spirit through the material world and, since it is the spirit that travels, it is the spirit that is experienced. That is why there exist contemplative souls who have lived more intensely, more widely, more tumultuously than others who have lived their lives purely externally.
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- Author Fernando Pessoa
A concisão é a luxúria do pensamento.
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- Author Fernando Pessoa
I sometimes think that I enjoy suffering. But the truth is I would prefer something else.
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- Author Fernando Pessoa
There’s enough metaphysics in not thinking about anything.
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- Author Fernando Pessoa
Could it think, the heart would stop beating.
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- Author Fernando Pessoa
To think is to destroy.
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- Author Fernando Pessoa
Once we're able to see this world as an illusion and a phantasm, then we can see everything that happens to us as a dream, as something that pretended to exist while we were sleeping. And we will become subtly and profoundly indifferent towards all of life's setbacks and calamities. Those who die turned a corner, which is why we've stopped seeing them; those who suffer pass before us like a nightmare, if we feel, or like an unpleasant daydream, if we think. And even our own suffering won't be more than this nothingness.
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- Author Fernando Pessoa
And leaning out the window, enjoying the day above the varying volume of the entire city, only one thought swells my soul – the intimate will to die, to finish, not to see more light over any city, not to think, not to feel, to leave behind like wrapping paper the course of the sun and the days, to rid myself, at the edge of the grand bed, as of a heavy suit, of the involuntary effort to be.
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- Author Fernando Pessoa
But my sadness is comforting Because it’s right and natural And because it’s what the soul should feel When it already thinks it exists And the hand pick flowers And the soul takes no notice.
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