16 Quotes by G.A. Aiken about dragons
"Trying to catch their breath, they lay there for so long that Celyn lost track of time. That is, until Elina noted, "You are still hard inside me."Celyn nodded, then realized she couldn't see that. "Aye," he finally answered."How is that possible?""I am dragon," he answered honestly. "Anything is possible. We're that amazing."
"Celyn merely snarled and stalked away."You best go to him, sister, and soothe his hurt feelings.""Why should I?""You know how men are. If you treat them nice and buy them gifts, they will suck your pussy like champion."
"Annwyl didn't know or care. She hated the gods, pretty much all of them. But more than gods, she hated humans who did horrible things while proclaiming themselves holy and righteous because of their gods.Yet of all the holy sycophants she'd had to deal with the last few years, Annwyl loathed most of all Priestess Abertha, the sister of Duke Salebiri and the biggest hypocrite Annwyl had ever had the displeasure of meeting... Annwyl liked to call her, Priestess Fucking Abertha"
"And why does Father want me out there?You do know it’s a myth what they say about virgin sacrifices and dragons,yes?”“Of course I know that,” he snapped in such a way that Dagmar knewhe believed the myth to be true. “And after them three marriages, you ain’tmuch of a virgin yourself, now is ya?”“Those last two barely counted."