5 Quotes by G.R. Matthews about fantasy

  • Author G.R. Matthews
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    Call out to the soldiers, order them to save him, and they would. Enough would, he knew, but some would not, and the war would begin. Hundreds would die. Cities and towns would burn. The Empire would tear itself to pieces. All that he worked for, all that service and duty, would be ground into dust beneath his feet.

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  • Author G.R. Matthews
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    But I must set that aside for now,” she said, her tone turning as cold as the ache in his chest and as practical as the dagger on his hip. She smoothed her dress. “Where is the Amulet of the Empire?

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  • Author G.R. Matthews
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    His conjured shield above their heads their only protection. Every mote of magic he could draw to him, he added to the shield, and knew it would not be enough. His mind sped along the lines of his construct, strengthening bonds, twisting complicated knots which could resist the falling blocks, and knew he would fail.

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  • Author G.R. Matthews
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    Bordan’s heart beat a quick march while snakes coiled around in his stomach. He took a deep breath, forcing his heart to slow and the snakes to hibernate. It was like this before a battle. The waiting and the knowing that very soon your life blood could be spilled upon the earth. That amongst the press of bodies, the stench of sweat mingled with urine, blood and fear, the screams of dying and roars of the frightened, you would be scrabbling just to stay alive.

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