84 Quotes by Gabriel García Márquez about Love
- Author Gabriel García Márquez
What Uncle Leo XIII never suspected was that his nephew's courage did not come from the need to survive or from a brute indifference inherited from his father, but from a driving need for love, which no obstacle in this world or the next would ever break.
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- Author Gabriel García Márquez
Amor del alma de la cintura para arriba y amor del cuerpo de la cintura para abajo.
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- Author Gabriel García Márquez
With a brutal tug he pulled off her bathrobe before she had. time to resist and he loomed over an abyss of newly washed nudity whose skin color, lines of fuzz, and hidden moles had all been imagined in the shadows of the other rooms.
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- Author Gabriel García Márquez
Almost always, between loves, they would eat naked in the bed, in the hallucinating heat and under the daytime stars that the rust had caused to shine on the zinc ceiling.
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- Author Gabriel García Márquez
And only after he said it did he realize that among the countless suicides he could remember, this was the first with cyanide that had not been caused by the sufferings of love. Then something changed in the tone of his voice.“And when you do find one, observe with care,” he said to the intern:“they almost always have crystals in their heart.
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- Author Gabriel García Márquez
Тук няма да ви липсва някой полудял от любов, който в най-скоро време да ви предостави тази възможност." И докато го казваше, докторът си даде сметка, че измежду безбройните самоубийства с цианова сол, които помнеше, това е първото, чиято причина не е нещастна любов. Тогава нещо в обичайния му тон се промени.- А когато ви се предостави, обърнете внимание - каза той на стажанта медик: - Те обикновено имат пясък в сърцето.
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- Author Gabriel García Márquez
The night was over, for he did not dare to play forbidden games with a woman who had proven too many times that she knew the dark side of the moon.
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- Author Gabriel García Márquez
El sexo es el consuelo que uno tiene cuando no le alcanza el amor
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- Author Gabriel García Márquez
Sjećaj me se s ružom - rekao joj je.
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