84 Quotes by Gabriel García Márquez about Love
- Author Gabriel García Márquez
...and that casual glance was the beginning of a cataclysm of love that still had not ended half a century later.
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- Author Gabriel García Márquez
The Widow Nazaret never missed her occasional appointments with Florentino Ariza, not even during her busiest times, and it was always without pretensions of loving or being loved, although always in the hope of finding something that resembled love, but without the problems of love.
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- Author Gabriel García Márquez
The act was an exorcism of relief for Florentino Ariza, for when he put the violin back into its case and walked down the dead streets without looking back, he no longer felt that he was leaving the next morning but that he had gone away many years before with the irrevocable determination never to return.
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- Author Gabriel García Márquez
I'll never fall in love again," he once confessed to José Palacios, the only human being with whom he ever permitted himself that sort of confidence. "It's like having two souls at the same time.
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- Author Gabriel García Márquez
En aquel mundo opresivo en el que nadie era libre, Sierva María lo era: sólo ella y sólo allí.
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- Author Gabriel García Márquez
She reminded him that the weak will never enter the kingdom of love, which is a harsh and ungenerous kingdom,and that women give themselves only to men of resolute spirit, who provide them with the security they need in order to face life.
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- Author Gabriel García Márquez
We men are the miserable slaves of prejudice. But when a woman decides to sleep with a man, there is no wall she will not scale, no fortress she will not destroy, no moral consideration she will not ignore at its very root: there is no God worth worrying about.
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- Author Gabriel García Márquez
But the lucidity of her old age allowed her to see, and she said so many times, that the cries of children in their mothers' wombs are not announcements of ventriloquism or a faculty for prophecy but an unmistakable sign of an incapacity for love.
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- Author Gabriel García Márquez
Don’t let yourself die without knowing the wonder of fucking with love
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