7 Quotes by Gail Honeyman about love
"There must be some people for whom difficult behaviour wasn't a reason to end their relationship with you. if they liked you...they were prepared to maintain contact, even if you were sad, upset or behaving in very challenging ways."
"Jane Eyre. A strange child, difficult to love. A lonely, only child."
"Sul mio cuore ci sono cicatrici altrettanto spesse e deturpanti di quelle che ho in viso. So che ci sono. Spero che resti un po’ di tessuto integro, una chiazza attraverso la quale l’amore possa penetrare e defluire. Lo spero."
"The lights were bright on him, and I was in darkness. But he would see me, nonetheless. If it was meant to be, and surely it was, then he would see me, the way I’d seen him, all those weeks ago."