13 Quotes by George Whitefield about jesus

  • Author George Whitefield
  • Quote

    Why fear ye that the Lord Jesus Christ will not accept of you? Your sins will be no hindrance, your unworthiness no hindrance; if your own corrupt hearts do not keep you back, nothing will hinder Christ from receiving of you.

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  • Author George Whitefield
  • Quote

    The righteousness of Jesus Christ is one of those great mysteries, which the angels desire to look into, and seems to be one of the first lessons that God taught men after the fall.

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  • Author George Whitefield
  • Quote

    For in Jesus Christ there is neither male nor female, bond nor free; even you may be the children of God, if you believe in Jesus.

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  • Author George Whitefield
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    When you hear of a notorious sinner, instead of thinking you do well to be angry, beg of Jesus Christ to convert, and make him a monument of his free grace.

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  • Author George Whitefield
  • Quote

    Let my name die everywhere, let even my friends forget me, if by that means the cause of the blessed Jesus may be promoted

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  • Author George Whitefield
  • Quote

    True conversion means turning not only from sin but also from depending on self-made righteousness. Those who trust in their own righteousness for conversion hide behind their own good works. This is the reason that self-righteous people are so angry with gospel preachers, because the gospel does not spare those who will not submit to the righteousness of Jesus Christ!

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  • Author George Whitefield
  • Quote

    The sinner can no more raise himself from the deadness of sin than Lazarus, who had been dead four days, until Jesus came.

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  • Author George Whitefield
  • Quote

    Indeed, I have been listed under Jesus' banner only for a few years, but I have enjoyed more solid pleasure in one moment's communion with my God than I should or could have enjoyed in the ways of sin, though I had continued to have gone on in them for thousands of years.

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