6 Quotes by Gillian Flynn about writing

  • Author Gillian Flynn
  • Quote

    Writers (my kind of writers: aspiring novelists, ruminative thinkers, people whose brains don't work quick enough to blog or link or tweet, basically old, stubborn blowhards) were through. We were like women's hat makers or buggy-whip manufacturers: Our time was done.

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  • Author Gillian Flynn
  • Quote

    I like the discipline of writing a script. You can't go into the character's head - you have to find these creative ways to help externalize what they're thinking.

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  • Author Gillian Flynn
  • Quote

    I am a cutter, you see. Also a snipper, a slicer, a carver, a jabber. I am a very special case. I have a purpose. My skin, you see, screams. It's covered with words - cook, cupcake, kitty, curls - as if a knife-wielding first-grader learned to write on my flesh. I sometimes, but only sometimes, laugh. Getting out of the bath and seeing, out of the corner of my eye, down the side of a leg: baby-doll. Pulling on a sweater, and in a flash of my wrist: harmful. Why these words?

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