44 Quotes by Grace Willows about Love
- Author Grace Willows
The dark sky seemed to swallow the moon, as Samantha stood alone on the deserted highway.
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- Author Grace Willows
He felt the beginning tendrils of hope wrap around his heart.Grace Willows - General's Dawn Coming soon to Amazon
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- Author Grace Willows
Sometimes it’s what you can’t have that you desire the most,
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- Author Grace Willows
I do not fear the darkness. It fears me.
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- Author Grace Willows
She dreamed of autumn. Of chilly autumn winds and soft fall rains. She could even feel the cool moisture as the rain drops touched her face and ran down her cheeks.
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- Author Grace Willows
No. He’s like me at the moment. We’re both nomadic. He’s still in the military. Currently training SEALs in Coronado, California.” “I’m sorry, training seals? To do what?” Boomer grinned. He didn’t understand why, but she so delighted him. “Navy SEALs, honey. He trains them to be smarter, faster, and stronger than the bad guy.” “Do they leap tall buildings in a single bound,” she asked without missing a beat. Boomer would not have been able to hold back the laugh if his life depended on it.
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- Author Grace Willows
What’s it like to live forever?Nicholas almost dropped the glass he had been holding. “What?”“What’s it like to know you will never die?”He should have known, he thought. She was a smart woman. “Lonely.” He said answering truthfully.He sighed. “It’s not romantic, or fun, or even exciting., It’s just lonely. I have watched everyone that I have ever loved, die. My family, my friends, my lovers and neighbors. It is not a fate I would ever wish on my worst enemy.
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- Author Grace Willows
Rose looked down to the sheet of paper, saw a number and where to sign. Butch was holding out a pen for her to take. When she reached for the pen her fingers grazed lightly against his. She felt it. She saw it. The tiniest arc of electricity. It was as if flint and steel met, just waiting for the right moment to spark the dry tinder into a burning inferno.
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- Author Grace Willows
You play those dimples like an exquisite orchestra, Mr. Boomer.
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