7 Quotes by H.P. Blavatsky about philosophy

"Where have the many attempts made by Science to bind, to connect, and define all the phenomena of organic life by mere physical and chemical manifestations, brought it to? To speculation generally"


"...Listen ye Sons of the Earth, to your instructions--the sons of the Fire. Learn there is neither first nor last, for all is one."


"Life precedes form, and life survives the last atom of form."


"The "Divine Thought" does not imply the idea of a Divine thinker. The Universe, not only past, present, and future--which is a human and finite idea expressed by finite though--but in its totality, the Sat (an untranslatable term), the absolute being, with the Past and Future crystallized in an eternal Present, is that Thought itself reflected in a secondary or manifest cause."


"The matter of the Eastern philosophers is not the "matter" of the Western metaphysicians."


"Esoteric philosophy teaches that everything lives and is conscious, but not that all life and consciousness are similar to those of human or even animal beings."


"It is most remarkable that, while confessing their entire ignorance of the true Nature of even terrestrial matter--primordial substance being regarded more as a dream than as a sober reality--the physicists should set themselves up as judges, nevertheless, of that matter, and claim to know what it is able and is not able to do, in various combinations."
