387 Quotes by Halo Scot about Lgbtq
"That’s the problem with ambition. People are too eager to sell their souls before they know the price."
"No one should suffer sober."
"We so often push at walls in search of doors, and those that open when we need them most scar even the toughest hides."
"Everything is soundproof. Good for trade. Better for business. Best for politics."
"Entertainment diverts from the cogs beneath the stage."
"That’s what I’m supposed to say. Even if something costs me everything, gods forbid I show the true price of struggle."
"Blood and sex forge the closest friendships. What? Not yours? I’m not surprised. You limit yourself in so many ways."
"No one resigns from the Apolli. The Apolli resign them."
"You know what they say. Bold today, gone tomorrow."
"Kindness, even feigned, has an enormous return on investment."