14 Quotes by Haruki Murakami about Thoughts
- Author Haruki Murakami
How can I be strong when I do not know my own mind? I am lost.""That's not true. You are not lost. It's just that your own thoughts are being kept from you, or hidden away. But the mind is strong. It survives, even without thought. Even with everything taken away, it holds a seed-- your self. You must believe in your own powers.
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- Author Haruki Murakami
The world follows its own course. Each possesses his own thoughts, each treads his own path. So it is with your mother, and so it is with your starling. As it is with everyone. The world follows its own course.
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- Author Haruki Murakami
Las diferencias generan pequeños roces cotidianos, y, a veces, la combinación de varios de esos roces se transforman en un gran malentendido. Como consecuencia de ello, se reciben a veces críticas infundadas. Y es evidente que no es agradable que te malinterpreten o que te critiquen. Te puedes sentir profundamente herido. Es una experiencia muy dura.
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- Author Haruki Murakami
I couldn't begin to grasp what he might be thinking or feeling in the murky depths of his consciousness.
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- Author Haruki Murakami
I stayed in the town until early evening, and when the sun began to sink, my heart did too. This is your last chance to go back, I told myself. Once it gets completely dark, you might never be able to leave here. I went home on the same buses that had brought me there. I arrived before seven, and no one noticed that I had run away.
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- Author Haruki Murakami
I am afraid to die, though,' I whispered to myself. These turned out to be my last words. They were not very impressive words, but it was too late to change them.
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- Author Haruki Murakami
I stayed in the town until earlyevening, and when the sun began to sink, my heart did too. This is your last chance to goback, I told myself. Once it gets completely dark, you might never be able to leave here. Iwent home on the same buses that had brought me there. I arrived before seven, and no onenoticed that I had run away.
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- Author Haruki Murakami
I all of a sudden got to feeling like talking to people. Whenever I look at the ocean, I always want to talk to people, but when I’m talking to people, I always want to look at the ocean. I’m weird like that.
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- Author Haruki Murakami
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