15 Quotes by Haruki Murakami about reading
- Author Haruki Murakami
I think serious readers of books are 5% of the population. If there are good TV shows or a World Cup or anything, that 5% will keep on reading books very seriously, enthusiastically. And if a society banned books, they would go into the forest and remember all the books. So I trust in their existence. I have confidence.
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- Author Haruki Murakami
I'm alone inside the world of the story, my favorite feeling in the world.
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- Author Haruki Murakami
[...] he made it a rule never to touch a book by any author who had not been dead at least 30 years."That's the only kind of book I can trust", he said."It's not that I don't believe in contemporary literature," he added, "but I don't want to waste valuable time reading any book that has not had the baptism of time. Life is too short.
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- Author Haruki Murakami
You don’t get it, do you?" I said. “It’s not a question of ‘what then’. Some people get a kick out of reading railroad timetables and that’s all they do all day. Some people make huge model boats out of matchsticks. So what’s wrong if there happens to be one guy in the world who enjoys trying to understand you?
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- Author Haruki Murakami
I have read all my novels that were translated into English. Reading my novels is enjoyable because I forget almost all the content in them.
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- Author Haruki Murakami
Whether in music or in fiction, the most basic thing is rhythm. Your style needs to have good, natural, steady rhythm, or people won't keep reading your work.
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