79 Quotes by Haruki Murakami about Murakami
- Author Haruki Murakami
You don't get it" she said''Don't get what?"''We are one"''We are one?" Tengo asked with a shock.''We wrote the book together"Tengo felt the pressure of Fuka-Eri's fingers against his palm. ...''That's true. We wrote Air Crysalis together. And when we are eaten by the tiger, we'll be eaten together.
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- Author Haruki Murakami
Pero como siempre, las cosas nunca salen como uno desea. Es más, el mundo parecía conocer a la perfección qué era lo que él (Tengo) no deseaba
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- Author Haruki Murakami
Lo ùnico que puede hacerse es atravesar este dolor esperando aprender algo de èl, aunque todo lo que uno haya aprendido no le sirva para nada la próxima vez que la tristeza lo visite de improviso
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- Author Haruki Murakami
The moment I see her, there’s a rumbling in my chest, and my mouth is as dry as a desert.
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- Author Haruki Murakami
I want to conquer my own weak spirit and put the gas attack behind me.
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- Author Haruki Murakami
Aprendí a no creerme todo lo que la gente dice. Mis únicas pasiones sin reservas han sido los libros y la música. Y, tal vez como lógica consecuencia de todo ello, me fui convirtiendo en una persona solitaria…
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- Author Haruki Murakami
There was nothing I could say, so I said nothing.
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- Author Haruki Murakami
Ella seguía buscando las palabras en el vacío.
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- Author Haruki Murakami
No matter how quite and conformist a person’s life seems, there’s always a time in the past when they reached an impasse. A time when they went a little crazy. I guess people need that sort of stage in their lives.
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