59 Quotes by Heather Marsh about Society

  • Author Heather Marsh
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    When many people become bonded into one self, as an endogroup, an artificial person is created as an ideal. This endogroup ideal, or endo-ideal becomes the group. Its identity is adopted by every member of the group and the individuals also become the endogroup. The group identity subsumes the self for all except the endo-ideal, creating a special subset of reality which here we will call an endoreality.

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  • Author Heather Marsh
  • Quote

    he economy is not going to be nearly as important as it was before. This may be unimaginable to people who have been accustomed to framing all of our problems in terms of economics, but think of how religions and states faded as the dominant endogroups when new transcendental endogroups appeared. Things that appear essential to society can fade into irrelevance if they are based only on endoreality, as economics is.

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  • Author Heather Marsh
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    Economics as we know it, is dead. This does not mean it will disappear completely overnight, or that it will not remain in some form in some places, but, like religions, states, families, and other formerly dominant endogroups, it will no longer be the dominant or authoritative power structure in our lives.

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