52 Quotes by Heather Marsh about inspirational
- Author Heather Marsh
As soon as enough people realize the emperors have no clothes, it will collapse with incredible speed.
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- Author Heather Marsh
Dismantling power is an urgent necessity, but creating replacement structures is far more urgent.
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- Author Heather Marsh
When many people become bonded into one self, as an endogroup, an artificial person is created as an ideal. This endogroup ideal, or endo-ideal becomes the group. Its identity is adopted by every member of the group and the individuals also become the endogroup. The group identity subsumes the self for all except the endo-ideal, creating a special subset of reality which here we will call an endoreality.
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- Author Heather Marsh
The answer to the riddle posed by identity groups is that they are one entity and their identity is that of their ideal. There can be no shared identity among people, as each person is unique.
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- Author Heather Marsh
A self is not consciousness and a self is not life. A self is the unique positioning of an individual relative to society. Self is a wholly social creation.
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- Author Heather Marsh
The field of psychology has been less than successful at explaining human behaviour. It has been far less successful at establishing a normative ideal for human development.
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- Author Heather Marsh
The world we live in is still mostly governed by a ponzi scheme of power, wealth and celebrity. Those at the top of the ponzi scheme are standing on nothing but the world’s acceptance of their right to be there.
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- Author Heather Marsh
Militaries torture children to ‘keep people safe’ and corporations destroy the environment to ‘give you jobs’.
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- Author Heather Marsh
Power is never benevolent and never inert. Where it exists in great excess, atrocities always exist in great excess as well.
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