39 Quotes by Heather Marsh about Anarchy
- Author Heather Marsh
Devoting all of your work to a brand that will be used to create a bloated central figure who will then be able to control the messages of everyone while dining out on ill-gotten celebrity and collecting brand donations is no different than passing all your money to the Unification Church.
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- Author Heather Marsh
The cult leaders of the 1970’s demanded money; in the age of the internet they demand fame and information control.
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- Author Heather Marsh
It is possibly pure coincidence that every movement today that threatens the powerful is taken over by those that seek to suppress individuals and control the messages which are heard.
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- Author Heather Marsh
Direct democracy is lazy anarchy, for people who don't want to be governed but are too lazy to govern themselves. They want participation served to them.
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- Author Heather Marsh
Living and breathing is not safe under a totalitarian dictatorship. The only way to keep yourself safe is to remove the totalitarian dictatorship.
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- Author Heather Marsh
Revolution fights tyrants, resistance fights tyranny.
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- Author Heather Marsh
It is not enough to remove oppressors, the system of oppression must be dismantled.
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- Author Heather Marsh
And it is customary for those who uphold this absolute form of secretive tyrannical rule to call people like me anarchists, but if all anarchy means is there are no absolute rulers or centralized authority, then shouldn’t that be a basic tenet of a democracy?
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- Author Heather Marsh
The only reason equality in a trade economy is considered a virtue is to allow rule by right of virtue for the fraternity, the libertarian ideal of meritocracy.
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