8 Quotes by Henrietta Newton Martin about christian
- Author Henrietta Newton Martin
The Lord seeks to establish status quo before His return. He is gathering His sheep, His birds, His people under His wings, under His authority, His Kingship, the only authority and Kingship of our Lord God and Master, as in the times of Abraham, Moses, Isaac and Jacob.
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- Author Henrietta Newton Martin
You may be imperfect and inevitably flawed ,but I take joy in the truth that God fashions your being into the' person' He wants you to be.
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- Author Henrietta Newton Martin
Do not judge others, we do not know the battles they face .Love and be kind, for it costs nothing.
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- Author Henrietta Newton Martin
As you look unto your God today , expect Him to turn your life around ; for it is He who made this earth revolve around the axis, and made it revolve to day and night.Can't He lead you out of your darkness to His light then ? If you "believe" now, He will, and you can see it happening.
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- Author Henrietta Newton Martin
Be prepared, for the Kingdom of God is at Hand; Are you ready? Either HE comes first to pick you, or you go up there ,to stay with Him forever and cheer Him for His return ! Are you prepared ?
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- Author Henrietta Newton Martin
The name of the Lord Jesus, and His Word is powerful as the two edged sword that can cut through the face of the earth and bring man to subjection to His Kingdom which is pregnant to be established. The pains of labour is being felt and will intensify in the years to come and the moment will come for us to meet our Bridegroom Christ Himself.
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- Author Henrietta Newton Martin
Humility is a virtue that one can find, in which God in heaven rejoices ,and in His love he enfolds you, close to his heart He does bind.
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- Author Henrietta Newton Martin
Self righteousness is a sin
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