12 Quotes by Henry Hazlitt about Government
- Author Henry Hazlitt
The demoralization that the debasement of the currency left in its wake played a major role in bringing Adolf Hitler into power in 1933.
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- Author Henry Hazlitt
To try to cure unemployment by inflation rather than by adjustment of specific wage-rates is like trying to adjust the piano to the stool rather than the stool to the piano.
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- Author Henry Hazlitt
the larger the percentage of the national income taken by taxes the greater the deterrent to private production and employment. When the total tax burden grows beyond a bearable size, the problem of devising taxes that will not discourage and disrupt production becomes insoluble.
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- Author Henry Hazlitt
Government planning always involves compulsion.
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- Author Henry Hazlitt
Practically all government attempts to redistribute wealth and income tend to smother productive incentives and lead toward general impoverishment.
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- Author Henry Hazlitt
The consequences of inflation are malinvestment, waste, a wanton redistribution of wealth and income, the growth of speculation and gambling, immorality and corruption, disillusionment, social resentment, discontent, upheaval and riots, bankruptcy, increased government controls, and eventual collapse.
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- Author Henry Hazlitt
When any welfare scheme is being proposed, its political sponsors always dwell on what a generous and compassionate government should pay to Paul; they neglect to mention that this additional money must be seized from Peter.
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- Author Henry Hazlitt
Arbitrary government power is being multiplied daily by the now practically unchallenged assumption that wherever there is any problem of any kind to be solved, government is the agency to step in and solve it.
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- Author Henry Hazlitt
New taxes are so unpopular that most 'social' handout schemes are originally enacted without enough increased taxation to pay for them. The result is chronic government deficits, paid for by the issuance of additional paper money.
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