11 Quotes by Hina Hashmi about universe
- Author Hina Hashmi
Positive thoughts are a source of joy, love and an indication of our alignment with the source. Negative thoughts create disharmony in our body for example depression, fear and aggression indicate misalignment with the source.
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- Author Hina Hashmi
In every moment, you make decisions based on your beliefs or inspiration which comes to you directly from the divine/universe.
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- Author Hina Hashmi
When we don't interact people with sincerity in our hearts they receive mixed vibrations from us. These vibrations become source of disharmony and chaos for the people and the universe.
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- Author Hina Hashmi
One positive person affects the whole universe. If you improve yourself as a human being then you will contribute for the betterment of the whole planet.
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- Author Hina Hashmi
when you forgive people, events and circumstances, you are in the process of change, which leads you towards dominant universal emotion called love.
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- Author Hina Hashmi
Keep your ears open and listen to the whispers of the universe, because they will guide you for the best.
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- Author Hina Hashmi
Good intention bring success in everything you do. Intention is always supported by the universal energy because it’s a vital ingredient for manifestation.
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- Author Hina Hashmi
Emotions serve as our guiding system. They tell us what we feel about something. This indicates the degree of alignment with the source's energy.
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- Author Hina Hashmi
You need to cleanse your mind throughout life because there is so much negativity in yourself and around. Keep cleaning and you will connect with the Universe quicker and effectively.
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