127 Quotes by Idries Shah about psychology
"A Sufi school comes into being in order to flourish and disappear, not to leave traces in mechanical ritual, or anthropologically survivals."
"Definitions from Mulla Do-PiazaWisdom: Something you can learn without knowing it."
"One of the basic Sufi needs is to enable people to see themselves as they really are."
"Our heads are filled with ‘knowledge’, a knowledge that in some areas pre-empts our seeing anything at all."
"People carry on whole conversations in proverbs. But they are not LIVING the proverbs."
"What is humanity? To feel pain at the sorrows of our neighbours, to feel humiliated at the humiliation of fellow-beings."
"A MOTTO OF THE HUMAN RACETell me what to do; but it must be what I want you to tell me."
"It is as true as anything else which can be spoken to say that all knowledge is really available everywhere."
"The would-be Sufi needs guidance precisely because books, texts, while telling you what is needed, do not tell you when."
"Well-meant techniques such as arbitrary self-mortification, are useless."