104 Quotes by Idries Shah about Sufi
- Author Idries Shah
Do not try to be humble: learn humility.
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- Author Idries Shah
If the path has been laid down, why the successive appearance of different teachers? Why would anyone reinvent the wheel, if everything were as cosy and sequential as primitive longing so easily convinces us?
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- Author Idries Shah
No practice exists in isolation.
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- Author Idries Shah
If you seek a teacher, try to become a real student. If you want to be a student, try to find a real teacher.
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- Author Idries Shah
The man who knows must discharge a function. The one who does not, cannot arrogate one to himself; he can only try to do so.
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- Author Idries Shah
A book, for the Sufis, is an instrument as much as it is something to give information....The key is the teacher.
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- Author Idries Shah
The Sufis are unanimous that a Guide (Sheikh) is absolutely essential, though never available on demand: 'the Sufis are not merchants'.
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- Author Idries Shah
The person that you feel yourself to be, according to the Sufis, is a false person, which has no true reality.
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- Author Idries Shah
There can be no spirituality, according to the Sufi masters, without psychology, psychological insight and sociological balance.
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