127 Quotes by Idries Shah about psychology
"Because sugar is not arsenic, many graves are full."
"The Sufi is one who does what others do – when it is necessary. He is also one who does what others cannot do – when it is indicated."
"The happiness of the superficial: when a man who has lost his donkey finds it again."
"Has it not occurred to you that, conversely, other people do not have your difficulties because they do not react as you do to what happens?"
"How many friends would you have if you went from one to another asking them to conceal a dead body?"
"Why do people always wonder whether books are any good, without wondering whether they are themselves in a state to profit from them?"
"Remember the proverb: 'A sign is enough for the alert, but a thousand counsels are not enough for the negligent."
"The Sufis regard systems which treat everyone alike as mechanical and degenerate."