25 Quotes by Ilchi Lee about Tao

  • Author Ilchi Lee
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    A good basic character should be developed even before discussing enlightenment or the growth of your soul. That’s why Zen initiates developed their basic character traits through nine years of study—three years of cleaning, three years of firewood collecting and cutting, and three years of cooking. Teachings on the Tao were transmitted only to those who had successfully cultivated such character in themselves.

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  • Author Ilchi Lee
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    Humanity is part of the cosmic family. All creation is within heaven and earth, but humanity has been given the added responsibility of protecting and caring for our cosmic parents. Humanity suffers when we destroy heaven and earth. Only when we show respect and courtesy toward our cosmic parents can we truly walk the path of the Tao.

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  • Author Ilchi Lee
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    Love from your heart. Allow love to flow from your heart, like the pure, clear waters of a rushing stream. Standing water putrefies and gives off a foul odor. In the same way, selective, closed love fills your heart with frustration. Love from the heart is unconditional love, an open thing that is offered widely and freely.

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  • Author Ilchi Lee
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    If you awaken to this moment, the here and now, then you will know that great peace is generated from a sense of being, and from a connection with the Tao. When you clearly understand and experience the Now, you can create your own happiness through your connection with the divine, your True Self.

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  • Author Ilchi Lee
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    Consider precious your fundamental questions about life. Love that heart that holds doubt: Is this really all there is? Continue to dig into that mind. When your thirst for the Tao grows sharper and sharper and, like an arrow, pierces your soul, your eyes for seeing the Tao will start to open, like a chick breaking through its shell to emerge from its egg.

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  • Author Ilchi Lee
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    True communion with nature becomes possible when the energy sense is turned on and heightened. You’re moved by the sounds of a bird singing in the morning, and you can feel the principles of nature even in a single leaf falling with its back to the setting sun. You come to realize that you were never alone, that you have always been breathing surrounded by the massive energy of life.

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  • Author Ilchi Lee
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    First, you must remain true to your values and priorities. Never violate your personal values or principles simply in order to get money. This may involve adopting such traits as always acting with honesty, integrity, and compassion in how you make your money; not doing harm to others; and being transparent in your goals and objectives.

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