28 Quotes by Imania Margria about dreams
- Author Imania Margria
Hope may seem frail. But in the face of adversity, hope can be our strongest ally.
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- Author Imania Margria
Mystery is what makes women, woman. A woman without mystery is no woman. She is a girl who has yet discovered the depths of her heart.
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- Author Imania Margria
I always look towards the light of my desires, so I never forget where I'm going.
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- Author Imania Margria
When we can see the star of desire in our sky, we can use our wings of hope and our air of love to reach it.
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- Author Imania Margria
To dream is to desire, to desire is to long for, to long for is to want, and to want you must work to attain all you dream of, desire, long for and want.
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- Author Imania Margria
Let the beauty radiate from inside your heart to the outside world.
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- Author Imania Margria
Our past is what molds us into the person we are today. It does not define us.
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- Author Imania Margria
Brilliance some are born with it, but others create it over time. It lightens the foulest of hearts and pierces the darkest of nights to lead us on the right path of our future destinies.
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- Author Imania Margria
Secrets are a part of life. Their mysteries make our world beautiful. Their depths inspire our hearts, intrigue our minds, and embrace our very souls.
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