8 Quotes by Isaac Asimov about humanity

  • Author Isaac Asimov
  • Quote

    Humanity today forms a single species and can interbreed freely. Differences in color of hair, skin and eyes are largely due to differences in the quantity of a pigment called melanin, and this does not affect humanity's essentially unitary character. Nor do differences in the shape of the eye or nose, in the shape of the skull, or in height.

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  • Author Isaac Asimov
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    The Solarians have given up something mankind has had for a million years; something worth more than atomic power, cities, agriculture, tools, fire, everything; because it's something that made everything possible (...) The tribe, sir. Cooperation between individuals.

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  • Author Isaac Asimov
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    I have the shape of a human being and organs equivalent to those of a human being. My organs, in fact, are identical to some of those in a prosthetized human being. I have contributed artistically, literally, and scientifically to human culture as much as any human being now alive. What more can one ask?

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  • Author Isaac Asimov
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    Kendim için "insan" kelimesinden başka bir tanım kullanmayı reddediyorum. Bana kalırsa medeniyet ve insanlık yok olmasın diye gösterilen çabaların önündeki hızlı nüfus artışı dışındaki en büyük engel, insanların kendi aralarında durmadan küçük gruplara bölünme ve oluşan her yeni grubun da yalnız kendini yücelterek komşularını hakir görme alışkanlıklarıdır.

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