11 Quotes by Isaac Nash about faith

  • Author Isaac Nash
  • Quote

    There is no guarantee that after someone's action(s) or interference(s) things would improve or get better. However, changes will take place. Those changes might be pleasant or unpleasant. Those changes might affect the person who interferes as well. His whole life was something and now it is something else. Do not stand by the ocean watching, through the net in, and hope for the best for yourself and others.

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  • Author Isaac Nash
  • Quote

    Every new day is a gift from God. You open the gift when you open your eyes. What do you say when someone gives you a gift? .. Say “thank you” and appreciate then follow his footsteps because He is your Father who cares for you the most and who has many more precious gifts just for you.

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  • Author Isaac Nash
  • Quote

    Name your children according to your faithFaith is the strongest element on earth for someoneSomeone is here but is not seen and is a phenomenonPhenomenon is remarkable and sometimes undiscoveredUndiscovered treasures are inside youYou are the answer and the help for your requestRequest less, give more, and always believe in GodGod Exist

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