24 Quotes by Isaac Nash about love

  • Author Isaac Nash
  • Quote

    Father is a present to those who can recognizeRecognize your fault and learn to cure itIt depends on you so be carefulCareful and slow movements are solidSolid is the corner stone that the builders avoidedAvoided interference is what you need at the momentMoment with God is pricelessPriceless is the love of GodGod Exist

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  • Author Isaac Nash
  • Quote

    Love is among strangers and hate among relativesRelatives are all of us because we have the same original parentsParents are us and our childrenChildren have free pass to HeavenHeaven is for everyone and of course you if you care Care about your eternity to live forever with GodGod Exist

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  • Author Isaac Nash
  • Quote

    There is no guarantee that after someone's action(s) or interference(s) things would improve or get better. However, changes will take place. Those changes might be pleasant or unpleasant. Those changes might affect the person who interferes as well. His whole life was something and now it is something else. Do not stand by the ocean watching, through the net in, and hope for the best for yourself and others.

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  • Author Isaac Nash
  • Quote

    Unconditional love must be providedProvided to all your children without exceptionsExceptions do not exist. Learn how to present your loveLove because if you do not, you will regretRegret should not be in your dictionary but supportSupport your children. Know-how because each one is differentDifferent actions mean different results for ParentsParents Exist

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