10 Quotes by Isabel Allende about life
- Author Isabel Allende
Silence before being born, silence after death: life is nothing but noise between two unfathomable silences.
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- Author Isabel Allende
Years sneak by quickly, on tip-toe, scoffing and suddenly they give us a fright in the mirror or smack us on the back. Every minute is precious and we can't waste it on misunderstanding, impatience, jealousy, pettiness, or the other silly stuff that soils relationships. In truth this formula can be applied at any age because it's always the case that our days are limited.
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- Author Isabel Allende
As my Popo used to say, life is a tapestry we weave day by day with threads of different colors, some heavy and dark, others thin and bright, all the threads having their uses. The stupid things I did are already in the tapestry, indelible, but I’m not going to be weighed down by them till I die. What’s done is done; I have to look ahead.
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- Author Isabel Allende
She regretted nothing she had shared with her lover, nor was she ashamed of the fires that had changed her life; just the opposite, she felt that they had tempered her, made her strong, given her pride in making decisions and paying the consequences for them.
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- Author Isabel Allende
La tristeza es la tierra fértil donde crece la inspiración
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- Author Isabel Allende
What is writing after all but an attempt to sort out the confusion of life?” @isabelallende
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- Author Isabel Allende
She embellished the facts because she was aware that life is how we tell it, so why would she jot down trivia?
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- Author Isabel Allende
She embellished the facts, because she was aware that life is
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- Author Isabel Allende
La vida es un ruido entre dos grandes silencios
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