6 Quotes by Isabel Allende about war
- Author Isabel Allende
... the United states is as safe as a convent, but the culture is addicted to violence. Proof of that is to be found in its sports, its games, its art, and, certainly, not least, its films, which are bloodcurdling. North Americans don't want violence in their lives, but they need to experience it indirectly. They are enchanted by war, as long as it's no on their turf.
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- Author Isabel Allende
We don't even know how strong we are until we are forced to bring that hidden strength forward. In times of tragedy, of war, of necessity, people do amazing things. The human capacity for survival and renewal is awesome.
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- Author Isabel Allende
This was a matter of some small group of guerrillas in some distant caves, a primitive, fanatical, and desperate people who didn't have the resources to intimidate the United States.
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- Author Isabel Allende
la guerra es la obra de arte de los militares, la culminacion de sus entrenamientos, el broche dorado de su profesion. No estan hechos para brillar en la paz. El Golpe les dio la oportunidad de poner en practica lo que habfan aprendido en los cuarteles, la obediencia ciega, el manejo de las armas y otras artes que los soldados pueden dominar cuando acallan los escrupulos del corazon
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- Author Isabel Allende
Es la ironía de esta guerra: por una parte el ejército mejor entrenado y pertrechado del mundo, la fuerza aplastante del imperio más poderoso de la historia, y por otro unas tribus fanáticas dispuestas a defender su territorio como sea, a pedradas si faltan municiones. Goliat y David. El primero cuenta con insuperable tecnología y armamento, pero es un paquidermo trabado por el peso de todo lo que carga mientras que su enemigo es liviano, ágil, astuto y conoce el país.
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- Author Isabel Allende
In terrible moments, in moments of revolution, of war or repression, of illness or death, people react with incredible strength.
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