5 Quotes by J. Otis Yoder about god

"Every man's measurement is determined by his responses when he is on his knees before God."


"The Creator did not speak man into existence as He did all else which He made, but He began with previously made material. So in the restoration process He did not speak the restoration into reality by fiat. Rather He began the process through a series of connected acts and events. And certainly no act of the Eternal Creator would ever be without purpose or reason."


"From Adam's day until now men everywhere have tried to find their own way to meet God's standard of holiness. Has anyone been successful? No!"


"We have witnessed in the 20th century a tremendous phenomenon: the birth of the modern State of Israel. ...God is at work with His ancient chosen earthly people. We ought to pay attention to what is going on for behind the movement of nations is the hand of God."
