371 Quotes by J.K. Rowling about Harry-potter

  • Author J.K. Rowling
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    Arthur and Fred—” “I’m George,” said the twin at whom Moody was pointing. “Can’t you even tell us apart when we’re Harry?” “Sorry, George—” “I’m only yanking your wand, I’m Fred really—

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  • Author J.K. Rowling
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    Hogsmeade looked like a Christmas card; the little thatched cottages and shops were all covered in a layer of crisp snow; there were holly wreaths on the doors and strings of enchanted candles hanging in the trees.

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  • Author J.K. Rowling
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    Is that where—?’ whispered Professor McGonagall.‘Yes,’ said Dumbledore. ‘He'll have that scar for ever.’‘Couldn't you do something about it, Dumbledore?’‘Even if I could, I wouldn't. Scars can come in useful. I have one myself above my left knee which is a perfect map of the London underground. Well—give him here, Hagrid—we'd better get this over with.’ Dumbledore took Harry in his arms and turned towards the Dursleys’ house.

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  • Author J.K. Rowling
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    Half our family does seem to owe you their lives, now I stop and think about it," Mr. Weasley said in a constricted voice. "Well, all I can say is that it was a lucky day for the Weasleys when Ron decided to sit in your compartment on the Hogwarts Express, Harry.

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